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    About Us

    This web page is an initiative of the International Network of Tourism Professionals (INTP). A network created with the aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge worldwide. Our inspiration is to contribute to the well-being of the tourism sector by crossing our lines of expertise and cultures.

    The network has a non-profit philosophy, and a none-membership fee.

    Please notice that is not a requirement to have a certain age or years of experience to join the Network. We strongly believe that any one at any age can contribute from its field of expertise. This, either you work directly in the tourism sector or you come from a crossing field.

    The only requirement to be part of the Network is to strongly commit to the accomplishment of the purposes and principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

    To join, please send us a message to the following address: intp@tourismandhumanrights.com


    Founder Member